This page has been designed to provide up-to-date information, guidance and advice with regards to coronavirus (COVID-19).
How serious is coronavirus?
COVID-19 is a new illness that can affect your lungs and airways. It's caused by a virus called Coronavirus. An NHS overview on COVID-19 can be found here.
The evidence shows us that the vast majority of people who get this virus have relatively mild symptoms and make a full recovery. But in a small percentage of cases, the virus can cause more severe symptoms. This is particularly true for people with a weakened immune system, for older people and for those with long term conditions like diabetes, cancer and chronic lung disease.
What are the symptoms?
If you are infected you may have very minor symptoms, minor symptoms or more severe symptoms, but the NHS cites two symptoms to look out for as:
- A new continuous cough
- A fever or high temperature
What should I do if I have either of the above symptoms?
- Protect others - don't call, or go to your GP
- Protect others - don't go to your local hospital
- Visit the special NHS Online 111 online portal here or call 111
If you live alone - isolate yourself at home immediately for 7 days
If you live with others - you should all isolate yourselves at home for 14 days - this 14-day period starts from the day the first person in the home noticed the symptoms.
If at-risk people share your home - such as those who are older and those with underlying health conditions - the NHS advise for them to move out, perhaps to stay with friends or family for the whole isolation period. They need to minimise contact with others during this period whether or not they are able to move out.
The Government response to COVID-19 is guided by medical and scientific advice received from the independent Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Scientific Advisor, taking into account information from the NHS and other relevant public bodies. It is fast-moving and Government advice on Coronavirus is subject to change – for the latest information visit and the COVID-19 page.
The Government's COVID-19 Action Plan can be found by clicking here.
Support for Meon Valley Residents
Neighbourhood help around Meon Valley
Click here If you are looking for local support groups or ways to volunteer in Meon Valley
Do you have coronavirus symptoms?
If you need medical help, please use the 111 online coronavirus service.
Support for children and families
The Children's society have created a coronavirus hub with resources ranging from loneliness and well-being packs to how to deal with family conflict. Click here to visit the hub.
Guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection
Guidance for employees, employers and businesses
Guidance for people travelling overseas
Guidance on social distancing and for vulnerable people
Guidance for schools and other educational settings
Click here to see the latest government advice for educational facilities and staff
Guidance for those struggling with their mental heath
Guidance for the most clinically vulnerable
Click here to see the latest government advice for clinically extremely vulnerable people
Guidance for care homes